Thursday, July 1, 2010

Brian Oliu confirmed as first contributor to Uncanny Valley

Guys, I already know Uncanny Valley is going to be awesome. How do I know that? Because Brian Oliu just gave us one of the weirdest, most brain-burning, beautiful little essay story poem things I've ever seen in my life.

Here is something Brian wrote for Arch Journal. Here is something he wrote for The Collagist. It's about Castlevania. Here is something he wrote for Diagram. Here is something he wrote for Conjunctions. It's about Zelda II. Here's a YouTube of him reading what he wrote about Zelda:

When she first read this thing that we're printing, Tracy cussed. That's how good it is. And you'll only have to pay a little to read it, and so much more.

How excited are you? I'm already so excited.

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